Image Piracy or No One Will Know I Put This Meme in My PowerPoint

PowerPoints. Author's own image They are the bane of every presenter's and instructor's existence. We are taught that our PowerPoint presentations must be very visual and eye-catching in order to keep our attendees' and students' attention. We are also taught that the less words and the more images we use, the better. So how do we do this? How do we find relevant or amusing images to use? Can't we just "borrow" an image off the internet? I mean, if I'm just using the PowerPoint in my classroom or at a professional conference, who's going to know? Image courtesy of The problem is, someone COULD know. These days, things get shared with the internet all the time. Attendees take pictures of our PowerPoint slides, they share them with coworkers, and suddenly, they are on the internet. And eventually those copied images make their way back to the original owner. If that original owner is someone like Getty I...